Friday, January 06, 2006


Well, I have finally accepted the fact that this journey is over... I have been back stateside for almost two weeks now! I decided to cut the European tour short in favor of a surprise Christmas visit. After all it had been over four years since I last attended this particular holiday.

Anyway... my twenty-fifth year has long since passed and my finances have been stretched well into the red! It was a good run while it lasted but it couldn't go on forever, right?.
I am going to save this space for future international travels*, but those of you who are 'still' interested in seeing what happens next... just put a 2 after travelingcat or click on the provided link.

*(feel free to look back in the archives and check out how the various legs of the journey transpired)

Thursday, December 29, 2005

My last day in the soaking forest. (self portrait)

Phillip tossing out left after having matched on a particularly nasty sloper...

Phillip Sage sticking the sloper on 'Noir Desir' (Bas Cuvier, FR).

Myself climbing through the casual lower section on 'Haute Tension' (Bas Cuvier, FR).

Thursday, December 22, 2005

There is an old video that is being shown on Modumps sight... the 'Brown Hole' was taken like three years ago. One might recognise the climber.

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